For interesting information on flowers, trees and plants please click on this link:

For the identification of insects and other fauna and flora of South Africa: please click on the following links:
Insects and related species: Antlions - Ants - Bees - Beetles - Bugs - Butterflies, Moths and Caterpillars - Centipedes and Millipedes - Cockroaches - Crickets - Dragonflies and Damselflies - Grasshoppers and Katydids - Mantis - Stick Insects - Ticks and Mites - Wasps - Woodlice
Plants, Trees, Flowers: (Note: Unless plants fall into a specific species such as Cacti, they have been classified by their flower colour to make them easier to find) Bonsai - Cacti, Succulents, Aloes, Euplorbia - Ferns and Cycads - Flowers - Fungi, Lichen and Moss - Grass - Trees
Animals, Birds, Reptiles etc.: Animals, Birds, Fish and Crabs - Frogs - Lizards - Scorpions - Snails and Slugs - Snakes - Spiders - Tortoise, Turtles and Terrapins - Whipscorpions
Other photography: Aeroplanes - Cars and Bikes - Travel - Sunrise - Water drops/falls - Sudwala and Sterkfontein Caves etc.
Videos: YouTube

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Odds and Ends - Part 13

You can imagine how quietly this duck must have been sitting to make such a great reflection without there being a ripple on the water.
There is a new golfing estate going up and on one of my hikes in the mountains, you could see the layout pretty well.
A Green Lacewing landed in my kitchen and allowed me to pick it up but did not stay long.
The bane of all gardeners. I can never seem to get this weed out of the lawns. The flowers are very small and pretty though.
This baby grasshopper is just starting to get his wings although he almost has his full adult colors.
A Bark Mantis is so well disguised when he is on a tree but set against this background, you can see his colors very well. This is still a baby as can be seen by the up-turned rear-end.
Even the eyes are made to blend in with his surroundings and the spines on his legs, perfect for gripping bark.

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