For interesting information on flowers, trees and plants please click on this link:

For the identification of insects and other fauna and flora of South Africa: please click on the following links:
Insects and related species: Antlions - Ants - Bees - Beetles - Bugs - Butterflies, Moths and Caterpillars - Centipedes and Millipedes - Cockroaches - Crickets - Dragonflies and Damselflies - Grasshoppers and Katydids - Mantis - Stick Insects - Ticks and Mites - Wasps - Woodlice
Plants, Trees, Flowers: (Note: Unless plants fall into a specific species such as Cacti, they have been classified by their flower colour to make them easier to find) Bonsai - Cacti, Succulents, Aloes, Euplorbia - Ferns and Cycads - Flowers - Fungi, Lichen and Moss - Grass - Trees
Animals, Birds, Reptiles etc.: Animals, Birds, Fish and Crabs - Frogs - Lizards - Scorpions - Snails and Slugs - Snakes - Spiders - Tortoise, Turtles and Terrapins - Whipscorpions
Other photography: Aeroplanes - Cars and Bikes - Travel - Sunrise - Water drops/falls - Sudwala and Sterkfontein Caves etc.
Videos: YouTube

Thursday, January 23, 2014

SA Diversity Tour (16/01/2014) Day 1

Amarula and smiles
 An early morning start to pick up Gaelyn at the airport to get there before the morning rush. The plane was delayed by 35 minutes and due to not finding her luggage, was about last to come out but there was great joy at seeing her again and knowing we would be travelling together for the next few months.
A trip to Pretoria with breakfast at Wimpy (of course! LOL!!) a chance to do shopping for some needed things then back to where I was camping at Roodeplaat Dam as I figured she needed to recover from her flight the first day. As you can see we started off with the right spirit. J 

The rest of the time was spend sorting out things and relaxing with an early supper on the cards then off to bed to catch up on lost sleep.


Gaelyn said...

You'll never know how great it is to be back. Thank you so much for being the awesome guide you are.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

It is fantastic to have you here. :) Thanks.